8 House Plants that Naturally Purify Air


This is a collection of some house plants which help clean the air in the room from pollution, bad smell and lower carbon dioxide naturally. Some of them repel biting insects, other invite useful wasps that kill the parasites on the other plants. Most of those plants below will live in perfect coexistence near each other (except the mint, if planted in the same box or pot). They will also not grow too tall and wide, so you can fill small spaces around your windows and not risk stumbling upon them all the time.


Some use this herb for cooking, other use it as a herbal tea. As with all plants having needle-like leaves, the rosemary is evergreen and can be held indoors in the whole winter, still leaving pleasant aroma. Most of the needle-leaved plants are very good purifiers, especially for humid winter air. They breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. The most important function of this herb is its ability to improve cognitive function.


It is excellent insect repellent. The aroma relaxes the lungs and helps for calmer night sleep. The aroma (also) helps relax if you suffer from anxiety. If you don’t want to buy oil lamp for aromatherapy or sleep with lit aroma candle beside your bed – have a pot of Lavender growing on your bedroom window. It loves sunlight so – don’t deprive it or it will refuse to bloom.


Grows about 1-2 feet long with small white blossoms and wide leaves. The fruit is small 4-seed nut that dries and drops by itself at autumn and can be reseeded in the next Spring. The rich aroma and the pleasant peppery taste are only one part of the coin. It can be also used as herbal tea and as all other plants will reduce the Carbon Dioxide in the room. Gather some leaves for the salad and leave enough smaller leaves for it to grow.


The best plant for indoor planting. They make excellent herbal tea or tasty cooking spice. They love sun and water but are incredibly easy to grow. You can cut a branch and leave it in a glass of water for one week. It will grow very potent roots and you can plant it everywhere.


Jasmine opens its flowers between 6 and 8 PM, when the temperature is lower. Having Jasmine aroma when dining is very pleasant. And think of all the tea you can drink!


The best houseplant for beginners. Excellent aroma if you can tolerate it. Mosquito repellent. Looks excellent when blooming. Don’t need much care. Can live without water for 2 weeks in cold days. More sun = more blossoms.

Coffee plant

It blooms in white and smells so refreshing in the morning, you will probably skip your coffee beverage and just breathe. The normal coffee plant can grow to a small tree (3 meters), but indoors in a pot, it is quite compact – 1 meter (3 feet). Takes about 4 years until it starts blossoming and if you allow sufficient sunlight and help germination from small wasps and bees – you can grow your own coffee beans. Roast and grind them to coffee! One plant provides about 50 grams dry coffee mass (~ 2 ounces). Sufficient for one week.


This plant is very useful for indoor stairs, especially if your rooms have sufficient sunlight. You can grow it in pot with a wooden log or dry branch planted in the soil, so the vine can climb on it. It has very sweet scent, especially at night.